Life Design: Change your life to transform the Industry

Date & Time: TBA


What skills will be the most needed in the future of the creative industry? Right now, besides some interesting hypotheses, no one has a satisfactory answer. That’s why we can formulate a better question, to begin with: what skills will make you thrive and feel fulfilled as a creative in the nearer future? What path can you start paving from now on to master those skills and feel truly in tune with yourself? In these sessions, we will explore the concept of Life Design and practice a systemic, non-linear approach to time and personal development, to let you map your strengths and find your unique solutions to tackle future change. This way, we will learn how to surf the future of the creative industry without letting the waves bring us down and lose sight.


Learn how to map where you are now in life

Understand the type of problems you want to solve and how to act upon them

Draw a mind map of your energy, engagement and flow

Define your midterm goals and with what resources you will reach them
